Nano Dimension водеща в света 3D-дружеството за печатна електроника се обединиха с Amtest Group в страните от Румъния, Унгария, Полша, Словения, Сърбия, Хърватия и България. Вижте повече подробности
Amtest Group and X-Treme Series подписаха договор за дистрибуция, покриващ Румъния, Унгария, Полша, Словения, Сърбия, Хърватия и България. Вижте повече подробности
Amtest Group и Cyberoptics подписва споразумение за сътрудничество, обхващащо всички територии на Amtest Group за популяризиране и подкрепа на авангардни 3D технологии, предлагани от този американски лидер на пазара. Вижте повече подробности
Версия за печат
Hanwha Techwin е компания занимаваща се видеонаблюдение, авиация, оптоелектроника, автоматизация и оръжений техологии. То е дъщерно дружество Hanwha Group. Във фирмата работят почти 5,000 служители и е със седалище в Южна Корея.
Samsung Techwin е основан през 1977, със създаването на лаборатория за прецизни инструменти 1978. Бизнесът си със машини за повърхностен монтаж започват през 1989 със представянето на пазара машина за монтаж SCM-130. През годините представят няколко поколения от машини за повърхностен монтаж и ситопечат: CP, SM както и новите Decan и Excen платформи. През Юни 29, 2015 Hanwha завърши закупуването на Samsung Techwin и го преименува на Hanwha Techwin.
Продуктово портфолио
Best in class productivity. The DECAN next-generation high-speed universal chip mounter, provides the highest productivity and mounting precision in it class. The modular conveyor allows Optimal PCB flow and it is possible to convert to large board handling in the customer facility. Stage vision and tray feeder options increase its flexibility. Decan F2 Applicable to 01005 chips and □42mm H 15mm ICs ▶ 80,000 CPH(Optimum) Decan L2 Applicable to 01005 chips and □75mm H 25mm ICs ▶ 50,000 CPH(Optimum)
The replacement for the ultra-successful SM421. In addition, it has improved actual productivity and placement quality by applying high speed and high precision electrically driven feeders. Furthermore, since it is designed to be compatible with SM series pneumatic feeders, it maximizes the customer’s operational convenience. ▶ 28,000 CPH(Optimum) ▶ 1 Gantry x 6 Spindles/Head
As a general component placer whose vision system is reinforced based on the platform of the SM471 high speed chip shooter and whose chip placement speed is the highest among the same class component placers, the SM481 realized a chip placement speed of 39,000 CPH, the highest among the same class component placers, by applying a head with one gantry and ten spindles as well as new flying vision and by maximizing the pickup and placement motion. In addition, it is applicable up to 0402 chips and □42mm ICs. ▶ 39,000 CPH(Optimum)
As a high performance chip shooter that applies two gantries equipped with 10 spindles per head as well as new flying vision, the SM471 realizes a chip mounting speed of 75,000 CPH, the highest in the world among chip shooters of the same class. In addition, it is applicable to 0402 chips to the largest □ 14mm ICs by default and increases actual productivity and placement quality by applying an electrically driven high speed and high precision feeder.
SLM100 SERIES – Amazing LED Production System
The The world’s first SLM100 Series LED mounter capable of realizing simultaneous pickup with one feeder. It provides an optimum LED production system on boards up to 1500 mm long. Machine has Head with variable pitch, The pitch is automatically changed to the pitch between parts for part pickup and to PCB array pitch for part placement. Depending on PCB size, allows placement of two PCB’s simultaneously, maximizing productivity.
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