Amtest - no. 1 SMT distributor in Central and Eastern Europe

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Селективно спояване

Nordson SELECT…
The Selective Soldering Specialists
In February 2017, the NORDSON GROUP (the leadfing global advanced technologies company) purchased IntterSelect a fast growing German selective soldering company.
This purchase has enabled the newly named company NORDSON SELECT to furter invest in innovative designs and process enhancements, coupled with the support expertise of the Nordson Group.

With a reputation for innovation, all comprehensive process solutions ensure customers of maximum return on investment and low cost of ownership.
From the initial process development, to full-scale production, their family of industry experts supports worldwide customers base with anything and everything they may need
to ensure their success.

Current Range of Products:

Economy series – Novo that include a large variety of options, modular expandable
and soldering area.

Stand-Alone-Series – Cerno – with a large variety of options, ergonomic workstation and soldering area up to 650x650mm, this is the Stand-Alone series from NordsonSelect. The machines are equipped with titanium solder pots, MicroDrop Fluxer and a wide range of options for the technological requirements of the future.


The Inline-Series with a large variety of options, modular expandable and soldering area up to 700x700mm.

Data SheetS

Novo™ 103Novo™ 300Novo™ 460Cerno™ 102ILCerno™ 103ILCerno™ 105ILCerno™ 508.1Integra™ 103ILDIntegra™ 508.2Integra™ 508.3Integra™ 508.4Integra™ 508.5In-line Flux and Preheat