Nano Dimension водеща в света 3D-дружеството за печатна електроника се обединиха с Amtest Group в страните от Румъния, Унгария, Полша, Словения, Сърбия, Хърватия и България. Вижте повече подробности
Amtest Group and X-Treme Series подписаха договор за дистрибуция, покриващ Румъния, Унгария, Полша, Словения, Сърбия, Хърватия и България. Вижте повече подробности
Amtest Group и Cyberoptics подписва споразумение за сътрудничество, обхващащо всички територии на Amtest Group за популяризиране и подкрепа на авангардни 3D технологии, предлагани от този американски лидер на пазара. Вижте повече подробности
Версия за печат
Камери за контрол на средата.
Russells Technical Products
An environmental chamber or climatic chamber is an enclosure used to test the effects of specified environmental conditions on electronic devices and components. The test chamber artificially replicates the conditions under which devices or components might be exposed. It is also used to accelerate the effects of exposure to the environment, sometimes at conditions not actually expected
The test chambers vary widely in size, ranging from small units designed for placement on bench tops to large walk-in chambers. Test chambers have viewports or video feeds to allow for visual inspection of the sample during the test. Reach-in chambers provide an opening that technicians may use to handle test samples. A number of user control options are available, ranging from simple analog indicators up to more modern digital readouts with LCD displays. Chambers may be computer programmable, and networked or Web-enabled test chambers are also available
Russells Russells Technical Products has been supplying quality custom environmental test chambers and systems for almost 40 years. . Russells manufacture temperature/vibration chambers, altitude/temperature/humidity chambers, liquid N2 cooled chambers, walk-in/drive-in chambers and any other special chamber built on request with CE certification.
Key advantages of Russells solution are:
Russells is supported within Amtest by six engineers with over 20 platforms installed within the Amtest territories.
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